Getting info on KDP and writing advice

Getting info on KDP and writing advice

Why read the blog when you can watch the uduforu vlog on YouTube!

        This is the first supplemental video in the Writing a book and Kindle Direct Publishing series. I recommend watching Part One and Part Two of the series for context. Part Two is essential as it explains the basics of starting a business which is unavoidable when self-publishing. I share my experience with KDP and provide tips and resources for getting started or unstuck. More topics are on the way, and links are in the video description.

Today's topic is Getting info on KDP and writing advice.

        In the intro of this video series, I stress checking the current policies and procedures for self-publishing at I self-published My Hip Book in 2019, and Amazon was transitioning its publishing services from Kindle Create to Kindle Direct Publishing. The evolution of the service has made third-party formatting less relevant unless you do not want to publish exclusively with Amazon. Changes to the service occur without notice but make the service more user-friendly and easier for you to make money for Amazon. YouTube is an excellent resource for information gathering, but Amazon KDP is a subject that is littered with money-making schemes and outdated information. And while I appreciate that you are watching me, I recommend you give more attention to the following websites.

For up-to-date information about Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, prioritize these two websites:

        Call me crazy. Going to the actual source is like reading the instruction manual you usually throw away. But this is where you will be doing business, so start here unless you are only toying with the idea and want opinions. A drawback of the website is that you may not know the terminology to use for finding info.


        Do not be put off by the ad-style website. Kindlepreneur is the most user-friendly un-official Amazon self-publishing resource. Of course, there is stuff to buy, but do not dismiss the amount of quality free info. Terminology is often "used in a sentence," making the action you want to learn about easier to identify.

        My recommendations for writing advice are not as exclusive. Meaning I use them, but other sources may apply more directly to what you are working on. The two authors I watch on YouTube do not write in my genre, but both cover universal topics, so I stopped fishing around. I read magazines and books for insight into current industry trends and more. Not all info sources are free. Also, I do not get any compensation for sharing info.

The YouTube channels I watch are:

Writing with Jenna Moreci – I appreciate Jenna's no-BS style. She gets to the point and is thorough enough when explaining her topics. Some viewers may find her style abrasive, but having thin skin will do you no favors as a writer. Jenna is a successful self-published author who also teaches online classes. Her self-publishing experience is enlightening.

Alexa Donne – Alexa is a traditionally published author and teacher. Alexa's YouTube channel covers many common topics that trouble new writers. Her insight into the traditional publishing industry may help you decide which publishing path is right for you.

Reedsy – Reedsy is an all-in-one vlog featuring general writing advice and industry news. The topics are presented in a non-opinionated tone and adhere to textbook definitions of style and craft. Reedsy also has a website with many resources for writers, but it can be pushy with its paid services. I like the Reedsy blog.

        I read magazines to learn about industry trends, different perspectives, reminders about topics, and new ideas. Whether you get a paper copy or not, the information in a magazine will not be complete trash or hype like many YouTube copycat videos. Magazines have websites to showcase their informative value and often offer discounted subscriptions to get you started. As a writer, take a moment to think about not wanting to pay for professional writing.  

I read Writer's Digest and Poets and Writers magazines.

        Books are a must mention, too. I still have my college composition textbooks and have collected additional titles from used books stores. Reading about character types, settings, and subjects is more important than writing mechanics. Editing and rewriting will sort out formalities. Prioritize writing about scenes, places, developing characters, and interactions. Include weather, temperature, sounds, and smells. Work to bring the reader into the story first and worry about pleasing the grammar teacher later.

        Real-life encounters are another source of inspiration for writing and practice. Create a story about a place you like. Try to capture the imagery of that place in words. How does that place make the narrator feel? Or is the narrator observing what is at the location? Describe characters, weather, and time of day.

        Learning what works best for you as a writer takes time. Do not avoid challenging or tedious tasks. Or worry about wasting your time. Right now, my biggest challenge is writing and not worrying about how my writing is, especially about my current characters. I have muddied the water further by using The Enneagram to help define my character types. I find it boring and feel like I am wasting my time, but I get glimmers of how to make the characters come alive on the page. I stumbled upon this character writing technique watching an interview about screenwriting. Be open to ideas and methods you do not associate with what you are doing. Creative processes are surprisingly universal.

Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comments!
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Best Wishes,
Martin E. Dodge
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