uduforu Free PDF downloads

Free stories, poems, recipes, and more! Open the PDF link to read or download.


 Tales by Martin E. Dodge PDFs:
An Interview for Contagion PDF - A short story about an unforgettable job interview I experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic.
We Emerge PDF - The short story We Emerge is a travel article about the first trip my wife and I took in 2021 after sheltering from Covid. Watch it @uduforu on YouTube. The video includes 2021 Roanoke, Virginia, Memorial Day weekend pictures of Buzzards Rock, McAfee Knob, and LOVE signs! 
A glass of wine PDF - A short story based on a guest interaction at a country inn. The story illustrates the importance of listening and recognizing individual needs.
Personal Development and Support PDFs: 
uduforu Goal Journal Page PDF - Get organized! Plan your objectives and keep track of steps until you complete the main goal.
Mental Health Resources PDF - Crucial information to aid you, your friends, and your family in times of severe distress or abuse. It is OK to ask for help, especially if you want to help but don't know how.
Featured PDFs:
Down Town Haiku PDF - Eighteen haiku poems written during a difficult phase of life. The poems portray an emotional journey when read in order.
Ginger Lemon Infusion, AKA Martin's Potion PDF - A favorite no-to-low-sugar thirst quencher. Enjoy iced or hot. Developed initially to relieve inflammation, friends and family have dubbed it “Martin’s Potion.”