The uduforu blog and vlog evolve. And a free short story by Martin E. Dodge!
 Why read the blog article when you can watch it on YouTube!
    I started the blog in March 2021 and added the vlog in October 2021. Topics have included creating my business, website challenges, personal development, and the occasional to-do list. I have worked through many technical difficulties and have strategies for more solutions. Moving forward, the topics will expand to include whimsical stuff and activities. Some learning curves have leveled out, and I have time to be more playful. Technical and business issues will be less frequent as the blog evolves.
    My goal is to be a storyteller, not a techie. Though, my writing is progressing slowly because of multiple projects. I have a big project I am trying to compartmentalize. As I develop its world and characters, I work on short stories to submit to contests. And contests often forbid submitting work published elsewhere – including snippets at my website. It is frustrating to claim I am a writer without much to show for it yet. Beyond publishing my hip-replacement recovery book, I have only worked at this for three years. Given what I have accomplished in that time, I am doing OK.
    There is no shortcut to a career change, in any case. I work in a restaurant in addition to doing my stuff. I have investigated other forms of employment but have not interviewed for any less damaging to my hip implant or that allows time for my business. I do not expect my writing to earn money any time soon. The uduforu website now has a retail element I hope will bring in some cash. Eventually, the combined sales of my projects will become an income.
    As an elaborate hobby, my work for uduforu exercises my brain and body. Inclement weather keeps me inside to read, write, draw, edit photos, and make videos. And fair weather encourages me to go for a walk with a camera. If anything, I should include more time for non-uduforu work to avoid burnout or blocks. Experiencing life can reveal inspiration that would otherwise be unencountered.
    For example, please read my short story We Emerge. The story is a travel article about the first trip my wife and I took in 2021 after sheltering from Covid. You can read or download a PDF of We Emerge from the downloads menu at
Check back on October 1, 2022, for big uduforu announcements.