about Martin E. Dodge
    I was born in West Virginia, raised in Vermont, and settled in Charlottesville, Virginia. I have worn many hats in hospitality, working for fancy restaurants and country inns. My interest in writing blossomed when I met my wife, Spring. One of our trips' scenery and unique geography inspired me to write short stories. There is much to learn, but I am up to the challenge and gain confidence with each completed project at uduforu (you-do-for-you). Designs, books, videos, blog, and other creations by Martin E. Dodge.
    When I was reading the most, I enjoyed the authors: Michael Moorcock, Roger Zelazny, Fritz Leiber, Orson Scott Card, Michael Crichton, C.S. Friedman, William Gibson, Douglas Adams, and more. This list was dated when I was reading their works. As a sci-fi and fantasy buff, there are other authors I need not waste time naming. Recent stuff – lots of topical non-fiction.
    I draw inspiration for stories from my surroundings – the area I live, vacation, and where I am in the moment. Taking pictures of locations helps me to find the words I need. I like to write a convincing backdrop before reality takes the back seat or gets locked in the trunk.
    Writing haiku helps me focus, appreciate moments, and decompress. I do not think I am an excellent haiku poet, but occasionally I write something I want to share.
    The pinnacle of my career in hospitality was working with interns from around the world. I learned much during the time I spent with them. I am the youngest in my family so being older placed me in a big brother role I had never experienced. The influence of that time continues in my articles about goals and reducing stress.
    My books, stories, poems, and videos may be fiction or nonfiction, but personal experiences inspire all. Some creations are activity oriented and focus on stress reduction and personal development.
I hope you enjoy my creations!

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