Deus Ex Machina Blog
    2024 is wrapping up fast, and I am looking forward to starting a new direction for the uduforu blog in 2025. The blog has been a way for me to share my experience of starting a business and some stumbling blocks and solutions. My messaging usually encourages perseverance and lesson learning. I hope my ramblings have been helpful, but I am not here for a business how-to or to tell you how to be a better person. Moving forward, the blog will steer more in the direction of storytelling and musing. The stories will vary in shortness, and I may not post them every month.
    For now, honesty and decency seem out of fashion, so I must follow suit, at least on paper. Also, no one has time for universal solutions or cautionary tales. There will still be a proper moral core to my writing, but it may have a thorny wrapper and a cynical tone. I hope you enjoy my catharsis. Here is an example of a sci-fi micro-fiction story.
The Haunted Planet by Martin E. Dodge
    The wild reclaimed the world and buried the structures of man under new flora and fauna. An obsession with wealth and entertainment had undone humanity's survival instinct. Communities became fractured and violently competitive as resources dwindled. Agriculture failed, and water and wildlife were too toxic to consume. Electricity became a shared memory, and a blue sky was the stuff of fantasy. In the end, the last battle was for reusable scraps in a trash heap. There is only one way it all happened, and nobody is around to argue about it. Willful inaction set the inescapable doom spiral in motion. Humanity found that the evolution of a species can stop. Unfortunately, humanity was not able to agree on how to record its extinction. Undoubtedly, the bickering continues in the afterlife, where explanations of how creation was destroyed also fall apart. Will space tourists use our ruins for ghost tours?
The end.
    My last nugget of advice for 2024 is to choose your battles for the new year and beyond wisely. Don’t pick a fight unless you can win or burn a bridge you can’t rebuild. You know yourself best, so set yourself up for success. I am following this advice by changing my blog and the frequency at which it is posted. My time is limited, and I want to produce quality, not quantity, for all my creative projects. I’ll be writing, drawing, taking pictures, and making it all presentable. Please join the uduforu email family at uduforu.com to get messages about new stuff.
    Happy Holy Days, and Best Wishes to you and your family!