On the Nose Problems
    I missed doing a video for November 1, 2024, due to an unstoppable runny nose. My monthly essay bottle is lost in a sea of internet verbiage anyway. Thank you for viewing my messages when any wash up on your digital shore.Â
    My blog is usually positive and encourages you to persevere, but I have a different request this time. I feel out of place having to cheerlead morals in a supposed morally superior country. So, I will point out a few things that are allegedly not glorified by any religion: greed, dishonesty, and violence. Regardless of how you vote, I want you to remember that the opposing side are human beings, and we are all flawed. We all live in the same country or on the same planet. I want you to continue the pursuit of being good to yourself and other people.Â
BTW. I define being good as not being selfish or causing terror and suffering.Â
    Those who hide their hate behind virtue and patriotism will always exist and, on occasion, win. If you do not vote, you are rigging the election. You must lead by example to show a better way. When you are confronted, do not be reactionary or complacent; instead, respectfully disagree or do not engage. Planning and rehearsal are critical for baleful ideologies, so practice some responses of your own. Be virtuous and patriotic in ways that do not demonize people for the way they look, talk, or love. Talk civilly to your fellow humans. Be honest and use facts. Defend humanity. But especially, don’t shit the bed we all sleep in.Â
    As our families and friends gather for the holidays, enjoy the companionship, not confrontation. Everyone has made up their mind whether they are right or not. Get over yourselves and let time be the judge of actions. Only those with access to the levers of power are not limited to watching and waiting. So, show concern for the health of others. Mention that after receiving this year’s vaccine, you hear a new voice in your head. The voice repeats the story of how ancient Romans attached someone to efficiently constructed lumber so that in the distant future fill-in-the-blank could claim piety and power over fill-in-the-blank.Â
    My humor is dark, cynical, and twisted. However, there are additional reasons I prefer to write a script rather than post a live stream. My thoughts are a jumble. When I write, I constantly rearrange sentences because they are out of order. I fact-check and care about accuracy, especially when mocking conspiracy theories. But given what is acceptable in politics nowadays, I don’t think I need to be so cautious. My language may be sassy, but my words will be on point. It is a free country, or so they say. In any case, I don’t need to be friends with everybody.Â
Have a Happy Economy and a Merry I Got Mine said no one.